Rhaphidophora Decursiva Dragon Tail
This unique genus of vining (and climbing) indoor plants brings out your wild side as they are vigorous growers with only a few basic requirements to let them entangle you with green love! Let's set the record straight! These highly acclaimed houseplants are not related to monstera or philodendron, even though there is some resemblance. The most significant difference is that rhaphidophoras need more aeration in their soil and cannot tolerate exposure to cold air like those other plants!
Provide rhaphidophora decursiva with bright, indirect light. A lack of light will slow down leaf development, and also prohibit the soil from drying out between watering which can cause root rot. Yuck! For ideal light conditions, place your plant in front of a north or east-facing window, or a few feet away from a south or west-facing window.
During the growing season (spring and summer), keep the soil moist by watering it when the top 1/2 of the soil becomes dry to the touch. Do not over-water. While the Dragon Tail likes moist conditions, it does not like its soil dense and soggy. Water less frequently in the winter.
All Dragon Tail love loose, nutrient-rich potting soil. Use a soil medium that can retain moisture but also allows for draining excess water to avoid root rot. Most pre-mixed soils will suffice. Make sure that there is plenty of organic matter, like coco-coir, peat moss, or shredded leaves, and avoid soils that contain moisture retaining crystals. If your soil drains too quickly, we recommend re-potting your Pothos into a compost-rich soil mixture, with less drainage materials.
Rhaphidophora species prefer typical household temperatures (68-80℉). Avoid extremely hot or cold conditions.